Graduation Supplies
You've done it! Now let us help!

You’ve made it to your senior year. Now it’s time to get all the personalized items you’ll need for graduation. Burt’s is your one-stop destination for custom-designed high school and college graduation products. Let us help you order your cap and gown, announcements and accessories so you can make the most of your graduation experience.
High School Class Rings & Jewelry
Tell your story with personalized high school class rings and necklaces. As the official supplier to your school, Burt’s Portraits can provide you with jewelry that will remind you of your cherished memories forever. What will your ring or necklace say about you? View our online catalog for more information on all of our high school options.
Caps and Gowns
Commencement is a special day in your life. Traditional graduation cap, gown, and tassel are iconic symbols of your success and pride in your school. Caps and Gowns can make a statement. From kindergarten to high school to college ceremonies and faculty regalia, graduation is a special day. Burt's Portraits wants you to look your best in your school’s official colors. From black to white and everything in between!
Get school yearbooks through us. Yearbooks are one of the most cherished mementos from school. Everyone remembers trading yearbooks with friends and signing them. It is an album of memories you can cherish for a lifetime. Burt's Portraits would love to help your school purchase its yearbooks.
Contact us to consult about all of your choices.
Contact us to consult about all of your choices.
Class Apparel
Show off your achievements! Burt’s Portraits offers: